Early childhood education in India is subject to two extreme but contrary deficiencies. On one hand, millions of yound children in lower income groups, especially rural and girl children, comprising nearly 40% of first grade entrants never complete primary school.
At the other end of the social and educational spectrum, children attending urban schools, especially middle and upper class children in private schools, are subjected to extreme competitive pressures from a very early age to aquire basic language skills and memorize vast amounts of information in order to qualify for admission into the best schools.
Most of the reasons for the existience of the first class is a poor financial situation. To implement an aide program to help children from rural area to go to school, we need to think of the basiscs school needs. The educational project for the rural area of Coimbatore is to extand gradually the theaching staff and addition of new classes with new students.
It is a long term project, but I believe God is able to do much more then we think, we can express with words or we can ever imagine.
If you think God is calling you to use your gifts, experience don`t hesitate to do it.
May God bless you richly!!!
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
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